Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm Back

And with absolutely no great hurrah whatsoever, I've decided to return to the blog. I doubt it will be much more interesting than before, but it's been requested , and I'm nothing if not a people pleaser. Actually, I'm not that good at that, so that doesn't leave me in a very good spot.
Before I talk about my time here in Maxwell, I have to give one last shout-out to Steamboat. I miss you so...

It's not that Montgomery has been terrible - there's a minor league baseball team with a mascot that can't be beat (and really goes to show just how much people in the South like to eat)

It's just that with tempatures that reach near the century mark, humidity that adds at least 10 degrees, and overnight lows above 75 degrees, you just start hoping for better temps. All of a sudden, Grand Forks never looked so good!
But while I've been here, I've seen an air show, been part of an honor guard for a retirement ceremony (see below), and absolutely overwhelmed with work. I have a tort claim worth about $5 million I'm working on, a fully litigated trial that's to go next week, and I'm working hard to fill the house I'm living in (see below as well).

Mein Haus:

My bedroom/new dresser. I'm really excited about this dresser because I've been living out of boxes and suitcases since my household good have been delivered in late-May. Actually, if you look carefully, you can see a reflection of said cardboard boxes in the right mirror:

My living room. This was the first room I started to work on and it took me forever to find the set-up. I can't believe how many people I asked for input before deciding on this arrangement. Still would like one more opinion:

And the new dining room table. It's new to me at least. Apparently some kids beat up on it, but it's a Duncan Phyfe, which I'm told is a good manufacturer. This has extra two leaves and a 1/4 inch custom-made glass cover. It's a great entertaining table. I just need to find an everyday table to combine it with...

And last, and maybe most importantly - my washer and dryer. I'm through washing my uniforms in the sink. I'm through letting my clothes pile up. Eight loads of laundry in one day and I'm all caught up!

And just so you all don't think it's terrible living where I am - "This Old House" just put out a little information on the Capitol Heights area (that's the area of Montgomery in which I live). If I'm forced to live here, I might as well do it right!,,20283025_20631493,00.html

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