Sunday, September 7, 2008

Evan The Terrible

Why am I showing you a picture of a big, ugly bull? Because I rode him today. That's right, no playing, I am now an amateur bull rider. Another ranchhand rides in the PRCA and went to practice today. Well, I went with him and rode Evan the Terrible for 8 seconds! He wasn't the most aggressive bull (heck, it was only my first time out), but earlier in the day he bucked off another guy who's ridden saddle broncs before, so I feel like it was a highly successful ride. And don't tell my mom (Ma, stop reading), but I'll be going back sometime to see what the next level ride is like.
Unfortunately, I didn't get any shots of the actual ride because my picture taker was busy teaching, helping, and spotting me. I'll gladly trade a ride with me on the bull without pictures for shots of me flying off the bull...
By the way, this was on my lists of life goals and I'm very happy to check this one off!


Anonymous said...

giddyap partner. Nice ride. I have to say I'm impressed & a little jealous.


J. Esplin said...

Wow. I guess you know what you'll be doing if you don't pass the bar. Sounds like a lot of work and a lot of fun. Good to know that you're reaching your goals. Hay Hay.