Thursday, August 28, 2008

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch...

Chaps Chafe

Truth be told, they're not really chaps, but they're close - see here to learn more about chaps and specifically what I'm wearing. The set I'm wearing was handmade by the ranch owner who's a bit smaller than I am, so they probably wouldn't chafe, but I'm wearing a size or two too small. The leather is really helpful to protect my pants (I'm currently destroying reinforced Carhartts) when I'm hauling hay and building bucks. The picture is for all those who thought chaps were so funny...

That's a Ton of Hay!

Actually, it's 8 tons of hay. My first day back from Portland and I was back moving hay bales. We've done about 55 tons and by the end of the week we'll have over 100 tons of hay in the barn (for winter feed). We'll be up before the sun on Saturday to head into town for 2 semi-loads and then we should be finished with hay and I'll begin working on my riding skills so we can go round up the cattle.


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are really enjoying yourself. There's really nothing quite like a hard day of physical labor that starts early in the morning and I mean that. There are definitely days where I miss the Infantry. Keep up the blog, its good to see what you're up to.

Allison said...

There's that headline I've been waiting for...

MSB said...

Livi recognized you... even wearing chaps... she looked at the picture and said "that's Mr Kurt!".