Monday, August 18, 2008

Thistle While I Work

No, it's not a speech impediment (I got that fixed years ago - mostly), my life has just been dominated by thistles. I spent 11 hours of hard labor today trying to rid the ranch of this stinking plant. I now officially despise them... It's so bad that I literally (yes, literally) close my eyes and I see the plant. Apparently these things just take over so I'm trying to cut them down before they seed out.

Everything purple you see in the picture is a thistle. Now multiple that by 300 acres - and include the juvenile plants and related thistles that aren't as big (and are hidden in grass that comes up to my waist) and you've got my day and most of my tomorrow.

But I wouldn't trade it! Partly because the hard work is welcome after sitting on my rump for the last four years of my life, and partly because Colorado is just awesome. Take a gander at the rainbow over the property that I enjoyed over dinner:

1 comment:

MSB said...

Because my husband does not keep up on everybody else's life events,it is my job.
So here is what I am assuming:
*you are working on a ranch in Colorado while you wait for the Air Force and the BAR people(I told you to join the Army!).

Tybee is amazing!! I loved it!